The Limitless Leaders Terms of Use

Last updated: April 25, 2023

Welcome to Limitless Leaders.Inc. (“Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”)! These Terms of Use (“Terms'', “Terms of Use”) govern your use of our website located at (individually and collectively, the “Website”) operated by Limitless Leaders. In addition to the Content (as such term is defined below) on the Website, the Website provides you with various services, including online education, Limitless Leaders newsletter, email notifications, communication, and community services (“Services”), and all content and features contained in the foregoing.

Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Terms," “Terms of Use”) carefully before using the Website and/or the Services. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Content, Website, and Services, and such access and use are conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. If you choose to continue to use or access the Content, this Website, or the Services after having the opportunity to read these Terms, you recognize that We provided valuable consideration by offering this Website, and in exchange for that valuable consideration and that you are over the age of eighteen (18), you agree to the Terms hereof. Terms apply to all visitors, users, and others who access or use the Content, Website and/or Services. If you disagree with any part of the Terms, please do not use the Content, Website or Services and exit immediately.

We reserve the right to modify or amend the Terms from time to time without notice. Your continued use of our Website following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes. Additional terms and conditions may apply to the purchase of products, such as shipping and return policies and others may apply to Services. By using this Website, you agree to such terms and conditions, as well as these Terms and our Privacy Policy (collectively, the "Agreement").


We reserve the right to change any terms of these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to you. You agree that our posting of revised Terms of Use on our Service will constitute notice to you of such revised Terms of Use and that your access to or use of the Service after such posting constitutes your agreement to be bound by such changes and the revised Terms of Use. Consequently, please review these Terms of Use before each and any access or use of our Service. Any changes to these Terms of Use will become a part of these Terms of Use and will apply as soon as they are posted or such later date as may be specified in the posted Terms of Use. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features or functionality that augment or enhance the Service will be subject to these Terms of Use.


This Site and the Services are available only to Users who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. By using this Site or the Services, you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age. If you are visiting this Site from a country other than the country in which our servers are located, your communications with us may result in the transfer of information (including your registration or Personal information, as described below) across international boundaries. By visiting this Site and communicating electronically with us, you consent to such transfers.


Limitless Leaders community functions best when its Users follow rules and guidelines. By accessing and/or using the Site or any Services, you agree to comply with these community guidelines (the “Community Guidelines”) and that: Your use of the Site and the Services including any content you submit, will comply with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national and international laws, rules and regulations; you will not impersonate another User or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity, nor will you collect or harvest (or permit anyone else to collect or harvest) any User Content (as defined below) or any non-public or personally identifiable information about another User or any other person or entity without their express prior written consent; you will not use this Site or the Services in a manner (as determined by Limitless Leaders in its sole and absolute discretion) that is illegal, infringing, defamatory, harassing, or abusive, that violates the privacy or publicity rights of another User or any other third party, or that is otherwise objectionable;. you will not use this Site or the Services for hate speech, hate crimes or violence; You will not use this Site or the Services to send spam or other unsolicited bulk email, for computer or network hacking or cracking, or to transmit any viruses, worms, bugs, Trojan horses or other code, files or programs designed to, or capable of, disrupting, damaging or limiting the functionality or security of the Site or the Services; you will not copy or distribute in any medium any part of the Site or the Services, except where expressly authorized by Limitless Leaders; you will not access Limitless Leaders Content or User Content (as those terms are defined below) through any technology or means other than through this Site itself, or as Limitless Leaders may designate; you will not use this Site or the Services, including any of Limitless Leaders’ related technologies, for any commercial use without Limitless Leaders’ express prior written consent; and you will not take any action that imposes or may impose (in our sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our technical infrastructure.

Limitless Leaders reserves the right to modify, change, or discontinue any aspect of this Site or the Services at any time.


You understand that all information, including your name and email address; data, including your IP address and other personally and non-personally identifiable information we collect about you through the Service, including information we collect from your social media profiles if you access the Service through our social media channels; or other content of any kind, uploaded, posted, made available, shared or transmitted by you or another user to or through the Service (each and all of the foregoing, “User Content”) is the sole responsibility of the person from whom such User Content originated. We do not control such User Content and do not make any guarantee whatsoever related to such User Content. By using the Service, you may be exposed to User Content, as well as material uploaded, posted, made available, shared or transmitted to or through the Service by us, that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Under no circumstances will we be liable or responsible in any way for any claim related to such User Content or material.

While we have no obligation to review, monitor, display, accept or exploit User Content, we may, in our sole discretion, delete , move, re-format, edit, alter, distort, remove or refuse to exploit User Content at any time, for any reason, without notice or liability to you or any other party.

By submitting or posting your User Content to or on the Service, you grant us, and our affiliates, agents, third party partners, and assignees a non-exclusive, irrevocable, sublicensable and royalty-free license in perpetuity throughout the universe to host, display, transmit, distribute, reproduce,modify, edit, translate, create derivative works from, store, archive, cache, sell,sublicense and otherwise your User Content in any and all manner and media, whether now known or hereafter devised, and you release all moral rights and similar rights in and to your User Content.You further perpetually and irrevocably grant Limitless Leaders the unconditional right to use and exploit your name, persona and likeness included in any User Content and in connection with any User Content, without any obligation, remuneration or attribution of any kind to you or anyone else.

You agree that you either: (i) own the rights to the User Content you submit and the right to grant all of the rights and licenses in these Terms of Use; or (ii) you have all necessary rights and licenses from the owner(s) of these rights to enter into these Terms of Use and grant t these licenses. Upon Limitless Leaders’s request, you will furnish Limitless Leaders any documentation, substantiation or releases necessary to verify your compliance with these Terms of Use. Limitless Leaders reserves the right to remove any User Content from the Service or our social media channels at any time in our sole discretion.


You acknowledge that: (i) we may receive from marketers free products that we review or discuss in our content and (ii) we may receive compensation in connection with advertisement or stories regarding run advertisements or stories on our sites concerning some of those products or companies that sell them (and other products sold by such companies) for which we sometimes receive compensation.


We reserve the right to revoke any link to any page of the Service or our social media channels in our sole discretion without notice. We also reserve the right to require that you obtain our prior written consent before you provide any links to any page or social media page of the Service.


We may provide, or third parties may provide, on or through the Service,links to other websites or resources. You acknowledge and agree that we have no control over such sites and resources, are not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and do not endorse nor are we responsible for or liable for any losses, expenses or damages, to you or your software, hardware or data, arising out of the operations of such external sites or resources. These link sites are for your convenience only, and you access them at your own risk, regardless of whether or not we receive compensation, commission or share of revenues generated by purchases via such links.



You are prohibited from posting or sending any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties. You further understand and agree that sending unsolicited email advertisements to any user of the Website or the Website or through Voice computer systems is expressly prohibited by these Terms.

Any such unauthorized use of our computer systems is a violation of these Terms and applicable “anti-spam” laws. In addition to any remedies that we may have at law or in equity, if We determine, in Our sole discretion, that you have violated or are likely to violate the foregoing prohibitions, we may take any action we deem necessary to cure or prevent the violation, including without limitation, the immediate removal of the related materials from this Website. We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order or subpoena requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting such materials.


For all charges for any products and services sold on the Website, We will bill your credit card or any alternative payment method offered by you and accepted by Us. In the event legal action is necessary to collect on balances due, you agree to reimburse Us for all expenses incurred to recover sums due, including attorneys’ fees and other legal expenses. You are responsible for purchase of, and payment of charges for, all Internet access services and telecommunications services needed for use of this Website.


Limitless Leaders will abide by the cancelation policy described in the Client Services Agreement for each service. We reserve the right to cancel a program due to insufficient enrollment, personal emergencies,  inclement weather, or other events beyond our control. In the event a class is canceled, we will notify you as soon as possible. You may choose to receive a full refund of your registration fee or credit on another class. Limitless Leaders will not be responsible for any cancellation costs you incur.

For locations outside of the United States, the Transfer and Cancellation Policy may vary. For all charges for any products and services sold on the Website, we will bill your credit card or any alternative payment method offered by you and accepted by Us. In the event legal action is necessary to collect on balances due, you agree to reimburse Us for all expenses incurred to recover sums due, including attorneys’ fees and other legal expenses. You are responsible for purchase of, and payment of charges for, all Internet access services and telecommunications services needed for use of this Website.


You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Website for any purpose without our express written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (i) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (ii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website or any activities conducted on the Website; or (iii) bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Website.


We shall not be responsible for damages or for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts or occurrences beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation: fire, lightning, explosion, power surge or failure, water, acts of God, war, revolution, civil commotion or acts of civil or military authorities or public enemies: any law, order, regulation, ordinance, or requirement of any government or legal body or any representative of any such government or legal body; or labor unrest, including without limitation, strikes, slowdowns, picketing, or boycotts; inability to secure raw materials, transportation facilities, fuel or energy shortages, or acts or omissions of other common carriers.


Except as prohibited by applicable law, the information, materials, Content, and Services provided on or through this Website are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property. Except as prohibited by applicable law, Company does not (i) warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, materials or services provided on or through the Website or Services, or (ii) make any commitments or assume any duty to update such information, materials or services.

Company does not warrant that the functions contained in this Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the server that makes the content available will be free of viruses or other harmful components.

Except as prohibited by applicable law, We hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, any implied warranties with respect to the services listed or purchased on or through this Website. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, We hereby expressly disclaim all liability for product defect or failure, claims that are due to normal wear, product misuse, abuse, product modification, improper product selection, non-compliance with any codes, or misappropriation, except as prohibited by applicable law.


Your use of the Website, services, and content is at your own risk. You agree that our sole obligation to you is to provide the Website, services, and content “as is.” Except as prohibited by applicable law, neither we nor any of our employees, officers, directors nor any of our agents or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Website, services, or content shall be liable to you or to any third party for your use of, or the inability to use, the Services, or the Website and its Content except in cases of (a) gross negligence, recklessness, or an act of knowing or intentional willful misconduct; or (b) a violation of a consumer protection statute in connection with the Website.

Except as prohibited by applicable law, in no event will we or any of our respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, affiliates, agents, successors or assigns, nor any party involved in the creation, production or transmission of this Website, services, or content be liable to you or anyone else for any indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of the Website, any Websites linked to this Website, and its Content, or the services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. Please refer to your local laws for any such prohibitions.

In the event of any problem with this Website, the Services, or any Content, you agree that your sole remedy is to cease using this Website. In the event of any problem with the products or services that you have purchased on or through this Website, you agree that your sole remedy, if any, is to seek a return and refund for such product or services in accordance with any returns and refunds policies that may be posted on this Website. Except as prohibited by applicable law, in no event shall Our total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action whether in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence), or otherwise exceed the value of your purchase on the Website.


We reserve the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice. We will not be liable to you or to any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. We may at our sole discretion, under any circumstances, for any or no reason whatsoever and without prior notice to you, immediately terminate your access to the Service. We will not be liable or responsible to you or any third party for such termination.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Limitless Leaders, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, partners and affiliates from and against all losses, liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of these Terms of Use or any activity related to use of the Service (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the Service via your Limitless Leaders account, email account(s), social media account(s) or ISP address. We reserve the right to take over the exclusive defense of any claim. This section will survive termination of your access to the Service.


While the Company hopes and believes that the Program and any tools, processes, strategies, training, products, programs, information and other materials associated with the Program, the Released Parties or their respective websites (collectively, the “Materials”) will benefit Coach, Coach understands that the Released Parties do not offer any professional, personal, mental, psychological, medical, health, financial, accounting, investment, tax, legal or other professional advice and neither the Program or Materials should be deemed such advice.

The Program and Materials do not replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, mental, psychological, medical, health, financial, accounting, investment, tax, legal or other professional fields. Coach acknowledges that if Coach is under the care of medical or other professionals that the Program and Materials are not intended to violate or otherwise conflict with the advice of such medical or other professionals and that Coach shall not use any Materials in any manner that conflicts with the advice of Coach’s medical or other professionals. 


These Terms of Use and the relationship between you and Limitless Leaders will be governed by the laws of the United States of America and the Washington State as an agreement wholly performed therein without regard to its conflict of law provisions and the United Nations Conventions on Contracts (if applicable). Any dispute relating in any way to your use of the Service will be submitted to confidential arbitration in Washington, Washington, except that, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state or Federal court in the Washington State, and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts. Arbitration under these Terms of Use will be conducted under the rules then prevailing of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s award will be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. T

o the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under these Terms of Use will be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to these Terms of Use, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service or these Terms of Use must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. Any claim by you that may arise in connection with these Terms of Use will be compensable by monetary damages and you will in no event be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief. You also hereby expressly waive any right to resort to any form of class action.


These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Service. These Terms of Use supersede any prior agreements between you and us with respect to the Service. You also may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use other services, affiliate services, or third-party services. These Terms of Use are fully assignable by us and will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of our successors and assigns.

No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchisor-franchisee relationship is intended or created by these Terms of Use. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the court should nevertheless endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect. The headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.


 The content on this Site and the Services as well as any content in the Pilot Features, including without limitation the text (such as the articles found on our blog or in our newsletter), software, scripts, source code, API, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos and interactive features and the trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein (“Limitless Leaders content”), are owned by or licensed to Limitless Leaders in perpetuity, and are subject to copyright, trademark, and/or patent protection in the United States and foreign countries, and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws.

Limitless Leaders Content is provided to you “as is”, “as available” and “with all faults” for your information and personal, non-commercial use only and may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any purposes whatsoever without the express prior written consent of Limitless Leaders. No right or license under any copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary right or license is granted by this Agreement.

Limitless Leaders reserves all rights not expressly granted in and to Limitless Leaders Content, this Site and the Services, and this Agreement does not transfer ownership of any of these rights. If you violate any part of this Agreement, your permission to access and/or use Limitless Leaders Content and the Site or the Services automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any copies you have made of Limitless Leaders Content.

The trademarks, service marks, and logos of Limitless Leaders used and displayed on the Site the Services are registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks of Limitless Leaders. Other company, product, and service names located on the Site and the Services may be trademarks or service marks owned by others. Nothing on the Site or the Services should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use the Trademarks, without our prior written permission specific for each such use. Use of the Trademarks as part of a link to or from any site is prohibited unless establishment of such a link is approved in advance by us in writing.

All goodwill generated from the use of Limitless Leaders Trademarks inures to our benefit. The Site and the Services have been specially designed to present Limitless Leaders Content in a unique format and appearance. We are concerned about the integrity of Limitless Leaders Content when it is viewed in a setting created by a third party that includes advertising or other materials that we have not authorized to be displayed with our content.

Elements of the Site and Services are protected by trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other state and federal laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part, by any means, including, but not limited to, the use of framing or mirrors. Neither you nor any third party shall make use of Limitless Leaders Content in any manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights, including copyright, or that has not been authorized by us.


Limitless Leaders has adopted the following general policy toward copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). It is Limitless Leaders’s policy to (a) block access to or remove material that it believes in good faith to be copyrighted material that has been illegally copied and distributed by any of our advertisers, affiliates, content providers or Users; and (b) remove and discontinue service to repeat offenders. Written Notification. If you believe that your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please notify us

Limitless Leaders will respond to notices of alleged infringement regarding third party material sent pursuant to and in accordance with the DMCA, which may include Limitless Leaders removing or disabling access to Third Party material claimed to be the subject of infringement or other activity. All notices sent to Limitless Leaders regarding matters other than informing Limitless Leaders that a party’s copyrighted material may have been infringed as a result of third party materials will not receive a response through this process.


You agree that any arbitration or proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between us and you individually. To the full extent permitted by law, (i) no arbitration or proceeding shall be joined with any other; (ii) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class action-basis or to utilize class action procedures; and (iii) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons. YOU AGREE THAT Any controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party, unless agreed to by Limitless Leaders at ITS sole discretion.


Limitless Leaders respects each individual’s right to personal privacy and we will only collect and use information through Limitless Leaders (the “Site” or “”) or our newsletters (“Limitless Leaders”) for the purposes set forth in this policy. Note: This statement applies solely to information collected at or through the Website. However, we will frequently link to other online destinations, so we advise you to carefully review their respective privacy policies. Please be aware that Limitless Leaders is not responsible for the contents and the privacy practices of such other sites.


 In compliance with our mission statement to glamorize your internet and e-mail experience, Limitless Leaders collects personal information through the Site at several points. For instance, to subscribe to Limitless Leaders, we require your e-mail address. Limitless Leaders does not collect any personal information that you do not expressly provide and will not sell, rent, or share your personal information to any third party for marketing purposes without your consent.

When visiting our Site, we also collect anonymous information such as your IP address or domain name to analyze site traffic, but this information is not personally identifiable. We will use this information to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our site, or to display the content according to your preferences. Traffic and transaction information may also be shared with business partners and advertisers on an aggregate and anonymous basis. If you receive an email or other correspondence requesting that you provide any sensitive information (including your Site password or credit card information) via email or to a Website that does not seem to be affiliated with the Site, or that otherwise seems suspicious to you, please do not provide such information, and report such request to us at


Personal Information Limitless Leaders may ask you for some or all of the following types of information which may be identifiable to you when you register for our Services, access various content or features, or directly contact the site: (i) contact information, such as your email address and name; (ii) your age; and (iii) information for the purpose of authenticating yourself or your account if we have reason to believe, in our sole discretion, that you may be violating site policies or for any other reason we deem necessary (collectively “Personal Information”).

You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all Personal Information you submit to Limitless Leaders. We also collect and store the Personal Information you voluntarily submit to us through registering with us or uploading or posting User Content through the Site or Services. If you are signed into your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook account and you “like” or “comment” on Limitless Leaders Content (such as the articles found on our blog) or other User Content, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook username will be displayed and so available to the public. You agree that your username, likes, feedback, and any associated comments may become public information; we therefore urge you to exercise caution when deciding to disclose any Personal Information on the Site or through the Services.


We may share your information to enforce or apply our Privacy Policy, Terms of use or our other policies or agreements.


Upon your request, we will provide you with a summary of the information we collect about you. You will have an opportunity to correct, update, or modify this information.